
Finished international filming on the relic


The documentary has the artistic collaboration of Compañía la Morada, the dramaturgy of Calderón de la Barca, the music of Ensemble Cardo-Roxo. Theology and poetry, artistic tradition and new visual languages, tell us what this relic witnessed.


The documentary delves into the “darkness of history” to learn about the oral traditions, which still survive, about the arrival of the Mantel in Coria. It also shows the most relevant facts from the documented “biography” of the Mantel.


The documentary delves into the “darkness of history” to learn about the oral traditions, which still survive, about the arrival of the Mantel in Coria. It also shows the most relevant facts from the documented “biography” of the Mantel.

A report on Extremadura and its sites of religious interest

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What to see in a visit to Coria.

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Diocesan Commission of the Holy Tablecloth of Coria

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The Coria-Cáceres Dioceses has advocated the creation of a Diocesan Commission of the Holy Tablecloth of Coria, which has recently been formed during a work meeting which took place in the Casa de la Iglesia (“House of the Church”), a space which will serve as the headquarters for the commission’s meetings. In addition, the organisation’s members have been named; there are 23 in total. Amongst them is the Dioceses’ Bishop, Francisco Cerro, who will serve as President; the Cathedral Dean, Julián Carlos Pérez, who will be the Secretary; and the Cathedral Museum’s Director, Óscar García Ballestero, who will serve as Treasurer.

This Commission has set itself several aims including exhibiting the Holy Eucharist in public prayer and promoting and raising awareness about the Holy Tablecloth, a unique piece of history which remains on public exhibition inside a casket in the Cathedral Museum. It has for years also been the subject of rigorous analysis performed by experts specialising in history who have come to visit it from across the world.

To meet these aims, the Commission has planned a range of activities to be undertaken during the coming months. These include plans to celebrate an act of public worship as well as a procession, talks, short courses, retreats, activities, full day sessions, days aimed at encouraging coexistence and harmony, pilgrimages and other events of an apostolic and charitable nature.

The new entity is in keeping with an initiative which the Bishop has been promoting for a little over a year and which made the creation of the Asociación de Amigos del Sagrado Mantel de Coria (“Association of Friends of the Sacred Tablecloth of Coria”) possible.

This collective, which is open to all those who wish to join, was created with the aim of being “the seed of what, in the near future, could become a cofradía or brotherhood dedicated to promoting the Eucharist and spreading knowledge about the Tablecloth”. They emphasise that the relic is “possibly the most important of all those to be found in the cathedral”. Therefore another of their aims is to “re-establish the importance of everything that has to do with this sacred fabric” which, according to tradition as it has been documented for centuries, “was on the table where Jesus Christ introduced the Eucharist”

News taken from “El Periódico de Extremadura”


Cathedral restoration

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The Dioceses of Coria-Cáceres and the Cathedral Chapter have published the relevant construction data for the second phase (Phase II) of the Cathedral’s restoration. The tender is open to bids form all those companies with the correct qualifications to perform this type of heritage work. The window of time in which offers can be made will remain open until 11th March in the Bishopric of Cáceres, in Plaza de Santa María.

The tender offers a base budget of 1,470,500 Euros (including VAT) and specifically the operations will focus primarily on the general restoration of the south façade of the Cathedral’s walls. The ledges and balustrades must also be replaced and defects noted on vaults, arches and inner walls must be corrected.

Last December the town hall’s local governing body awarded a license for Phase II, for which central government had already approved a 1.5 million Euro investment. In this way, the present bidding is a continuation of work which started a while back with a first phase which restored the monument’s reinforcements. At that time, the hillside was stabilised, the eastern wall was reinforced and part of the cavity wall meant to solve humidity issues was placed around the place of worship. These works started in June 2016 and for a little more than a year forced the Cathedral to close off access to the prayer area. The investment at that time was equally significant, being around 1.5 million.

Coria town council has emphasised that, in a period of just over two years, 3 million Euros will have been invested in the Cathedral. In terms of the Phase II budget, 70% will come from central government while the Bishopric, town hall and local governing body will be responsible for the remaining 30%. Finally, the town council will offer all necessary support for the restoration work.

News taken from “El Periódico de Extremadura” regional newspaper:
